Rare Original Australian 1970 Re-Issue Daybill Movie Poster Pufnstuf
Some information about this poster: The 'For General Exhibition' censor stamp that you see on this poster changed to G in about 1971. The movie came out in May 1970 but it was not released in Australia till December of that year. It is generally considered this poster is an original Re-Issue for the the first screening of the film and not a Re-Release poster for a screening at a later date.
Pufnstuf (sometimes referred to as Pufnstuf Zaps the World as this poster is) is a 1970 feature film based on the television series H.R. Pufnstuf. Hot on the heels of the H.R. Pufnstuf television series, this film was rushed into production for theatrical distribution, with filming beginning in January 1970.The movie was financed by Universal Pictures and Kellogg's Cereal, the latter of which was a sponsor of the television show.