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Tammy Poster One Sheet Original 1957 Debbie Reynolds Leslie Neilson

Tammy Poster One Sheet Original 1957 Debbie Reynolds Leslie Neilson

Rarely are original One Sheet size posters of this title found. When original posters are found of any size they will often sell for $250.00 or more.Consequently we are selling this at a very low price with the condition in mind allowing for restoration costs.

Tammy Poster One Sheet Original 1957 Debbie Reynolds Leslie Neilson.Tammy (or as it was known in the USA as Tammy and the Bachelor) is a 1957 American romantic comedy film directed by Joseph Pevney and starring Debbie Reynolds as Tambrey "Tammy" Tyree, Walter Brennan as Grandpa Dinwitty and Leslie Nielsen as Peter Brent. It is the first of the four Tammy films. It was adapted from the 1948 novel Tammy Out of Time by Cid Ricketts Sumner. The film was a commercial success.

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